Cote de Boeuf
For all you vegetarians out there, this is not a blog you’ll find particularly interesting. But to my fellow carnivores, you will love this! A week or so ago a friend invited me out to dinner. We chose the relatively new ‘Umbertos’ as neither of us had been yet.

“Excuse me Sir…just so you know” said the Valet “You drove up the bicycle lane”
“What” I said “Oh I’m so sorry, I thought it was the entrance to the Restaurant”
Meanwhile a group of outdoor diners were laughing as I spun around to check for ‘bicycle lane’ signs.
“But there’s no signs” I said “This is all very confusing”
“Don’t worry” said the valet “You’re not the first to do it.”
“So if I’m not the first, then why hasn’t something been done to fix the problem” I thought to myself
“Have a nice dinner” said the Valet as I hurried by a group of smirking onlookers.
I arrived early so I had a chance to peruse the menu. I found something that raised the taste buds to a standing attention. They called it ‘Fiorentino’ but I had a hunch it might be what the French call a ‘Cote de Boeuf’ (Cut of Beef). The description was right but I had to know exactly. No other restaurant in Vancouver that I’ve been to has ever produced a real ‘Cote de Boeuf’. What is a Cote de Boeuf you might ask. Picture this, a 38oz bone in cut of porterhouse steak roasted to perfection then sliced in manageable and edible portions.

Cote de Boeuf – Parisian style.
I’m not promoting Umberto, although I think he deserves it. I’ve been going to Umbertos since my early 20’s when he was the only restaurant in town that would allow me to bring my royal black standard poodle along with me to dinner. (If any of you remember the Mark James clothing store for men on Broadway, Mark had a couple of them lumbering around his store.) (Also, just to mention, I did not and never did have the ‘pom pom’ cut on my dog..)

My dog Sebastian looked exactly like the bigger of the two dogs only completely black. I would strap him into the front seat of my car with my seatbelt and onlookers thought there was a passenger in the car.

Seriously, other people are trying to enjoy their dinner and talk without shouting at each other.
That’s one difference (among many) that I love about dining in Paris. (unless it’s a bar or bistro) people respect other peoples space and would never raise their voices to attract attention.

The interior of Il Giardino
Bon Appetit
Mark LaFleur
The Antique Warehouse
226 SW Marine Drive,
Vancouver, BC

See you next week!